
About FearFighters and FFDMX.org

FearFighters and FFDMX.org are brought to you by FFDMF, Inc.

FFDMF (Fear Fighters Digital Media Foundation, Inc.) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and charitable organization that advances human rights by promoting diversity and inclusion.

  • We launch and sustain programs (both artistic and educational) to stimulate dialogue about diversity.
  • We create digital media that opens people’s minds to respecting differences and being more inclusive.
  • We train people to confront fears in their local communities and abroad.
  • We help people to free themselves of fears related to living in a diverse society.

Fight the fear and be free.℠  Join us at FFDMX.org.

For media inquiries, please contact media(at)fearfighters.org.